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"I capture moments, then I write texts nobody asked for".

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Because My Body Cannot Self-Regulate

We live in a time where there is a remedy for everything. If I'm hungry, I take a pill that suppresses it and keeps me at weight; if it's...

The Wait

When was the last time we went where we wished to go and not where we had to? On the platforms, under the indifferent white light that...

Certain Security

In the middle of the street, in the busiest city in the world, an act of abandonment goes unnoticed.

Liberty Street

A red light governs us all. We line up in disorder, yet obeying its command. "STOP," it screams in our face. A dog sits beside its owner, it

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Mexican-Canadian, passionate about literature and committed to sharing my vision of the common and everyday as a transcendental and introspective experience. My creative process includes selecting instantaneous moments, printing them in small photographs, and creating texts through them. I am very happy that you are here, with me.

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